The Power of Breath
Breathwork or Conscious Breathing takes you deep inside of yourself. Self healing capacities are being activated in this breathing process – for many it is the first experience to directly connect to the knowledge of their body and its enormous resources to heal, cleanse and revitalise itself.
For me, Conscious Breathing is the holy grail to more consciousness.
Deep connected breathing detoxifies your body, reconnects you to your heart, releases physical & emotional tension, stress and even trauma. And the beauty of it all – it is all natural at that.
Stress Buster
Stress helps you perform best in challenging situations – it is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger, the stress response of “freeze-fight-or-flight” kicks in to protect you.
Learn what you need to know about Stress so can you react accordingly and not get overwhelmed by it.
You see, the nervous system is not very good at differentiating between a real threat or just an imagined one. A raging bull charging at you or your boss screaming at you basically triggers the same stress response.